7 years ago

Ep #364: Did you have the Doughnut?

Welcome to the Most Dangerous Podcast on the Internet!

Today's hosts: Wayne, and Buck Lightning

On this episode:The guys talk about hot dogs, Texas Frightmare Weekend, babies being born, May the 4th be with you, Rum, Scott and Gary ( also the 500th episode ). Adam talking to his mother about God and religion. Music, people that you loose in your lifetime, shitty parents, transgender, Youtube taking over the world, Googles evil, the Mr MeeSeeks game, and the new sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings and a ton of funny and insane stuff .. enjoy

DisAfterDark here for the best Disney coverage out there.

Grim Grinning Hosts is the MHOG of theme park podcasts.

Music by Patrick Plata & Kyle Smith

Podcast produced and mixed by: Wayne Barras

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Gamers can find Wayne and Justin under the tags "Nutso 187"and "The Rum Guy" on x-box live